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Zhang, Xiuli

Time:2023-12-08Source: ClickTimes:

Name: Zhang, Xiuli

Degree: Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor

E-mail: (xlzhang@nefu.edu.cn)

Address: Northeast Forestry University, Shaw (Yifu) Teaching Building, Room 602

Education and Training:

2000 – 2004:Jilin Agricultural University, Bachelor of Agronomy

2004 –2007: Jilin Agricultural University, Master of Crop Cultivation and Geoponics

2007 – 2010:Shandong Agricultural University, Ph.D. Crop Genetics and Breeding

2017-2018: Northeast Normal University, Advanced English Training for Overseas Study

2018-2019: Home University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, visit scholar


2010– 2022:Northeast Forestry University, Lecturer

2014 – 2020: Northeast Forestry University, Postdoctor

2022 – now: Northeast Forestry University, Associate Professor

Research Specialty:

Plant PhysiologyBiology, Molecular Biology, Gene Transduction

Courses to Teach:

Plant Physiology, Plant Active Substances, Edible Plants.

Research Interest:

My research interest is the changing physiological mechanism of plant in the process of plant growth and development. In which, I mainly focus on the regulation of environmental factors and signal transduction factors on plant growth and development, and the response mechanism to abiotic stress. The main contents include the research on photosythesis,chlorophy ll fluorescence and infrared gas analysis, physiological and biochemical indexes. And that molecular mechanism of environmental factor and signal transduction factors in response to plant stress resistance (light, temperature, cold resistance, drought resistance, salt resistance, alkali resistance and physiological mechanism).


1. Heilongjiang Province Postdoctoral Settlement Initiation Fund (LBH-Q21055):Adaptability mechanism of reduced nitrogen application in the intercropping system of mulberry and alfalfa, 2021/07-2024/07 P.I.

2. Heilongjiang Province Science Foundation (LH2021C009): The regulation mechanism of nitrogen reduction on nitrogen intensive utilization in the feed mulberry/soybean intercropping system,2021/07-2024/07 P.I.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)( 31600508): Analysis interspecific interaction of mulberry/alfalfa intercropping system on utilization of heterogenous soil nitrogen, 2017/01-2019/12 P.I.

4. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2572017CA21): The physiological mechanism of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on photosynthetic characteristics of Mulberry, 2017/01-2020/12P.I.

5. Heilongjiang Province Science Foundation(QC2016018): The mechanism of Mulberry/alfalfa improving heterogeneous soil nitrogen use efficiency, 2016/07-2019/07 P.I.


1,Xiuli Zhang; Yuanzhi Teng; Huihui Zhang; Dunjiang Cai; Jingyun Zhang; Fanjuan Meng; Guangyu Sun; Nitrogen application and intercropping change microbial community diversity and physiochemical characteristics in mulberry and alfalfa rhizosphere soil, Journay of Forestry Research, 2021, 32(5): 2121-2133 10.1007/s11676-020-01271-y

2, Zhiyuan Teng;Zihui Zhang; Nan Wang; Meng Zhang; Guangyu Sun; Yanbo Hu; Xiuli Zhang; Responses of photosynthesis and antioxidants to simulated acid rain in mulberry seedlings, Physiologia Plantarum, 2020, 172(1): 188-200 10.1111/PPL.13320

3, Xufan Lian#;Xiuli Zhang#; Fei Wang; Xiaoning Wang; Zheyong Xue*; and Xiaoquan Qi*. Characterization of a 2,3‐oxidosqualene cyclase in the toosendanin biosynthetic pathway of Melia toosendan. Physiologia Plantarum, 2020, 170(5):528-536. doi:10.1111/ppl.13189.

4, Qiuxiang Luo, Mu Peng,Xiuli Zhang, Pei Lei, Ximei Ji, Wahsoon Chow, Fanjuan Meng*and Guanyu Sun. Comparative mitochondrial proteomic, physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural profiling reveal factors underpinning salt tolerance in tetraploid black locust ( robinia pseudoacacia l. ). Bmc Genomics, 2017, 18(1), 648.

5, Fanjuan Meng, Qiuxiang Luo, Qiuyu Wang, Zhenhua Qi,Xiuli Zhang, Fuling Xu, Wah Soon Chow, Guangyu Sun*. Physiological and proteomic responses of chloroplasts from diploid and tetraploid black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) to atmospheric nitrogen dioxide. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23098.

6, Fuling Xu, Mu Peng, Qiuxiang Luo, Mingquan Jiang,Xiuli Zhang, Xianchun Zong, Fanjuan Meng *, Yajun Li. Isolation and detection of transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) in NaCl-stressed black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia L.) using cDNA-AFLP analysis. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2015, 37(8):1-8.

7, Jun Guo,Xiuli Zhang, Yanlin Hou, Jinjin Cai, Xiaorong Shen, Tingting Zhou, Huihui Xu, Herbert W Ohm, Hongwei Wang, Anfei Li, Fangpu Han, Honggang Wang, Lingrang Kong *. High-density mapping of the major FHB resistance gene Fhb7 derived from Thinopyrum ponticum and its pyramiding with Fhb1 by marker-assisted selection. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2015, 128(11):1-16

8, Jinjin Cai #,Xiuli Zhang#, Bin Wang, Lingrang Kong*. A genetic analysis of segregation distortion revealed by molecular markers in Lophopyrum ponticum chromosome 7E. Journal of Genetics, 2011, 90(2):373-37

9,Xiuli Zhang, Jinjin Cai, Anderson, Maolin Zhao, Herbert Ohm and Lingrang Kong*.Identification of disease resistances in wheat-Leymus multicaulis derivatives and characterization of L.multicaulis chromatin using microsatellite DNA markers, Front Agric in China, 2010, 4(4):394-495

10,Xiuli Zhang, Yuanfeng Hao, Xiaorong Shen, Jinjin Cai, Hebert Ohm and Lingrang Kong*. A genetic map of Lophopyrum ponticum chromosome 7E, harboring resistance genes to Fusarium head blight and eaf rust. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2011, 122(2):263-270

关闭 打印责任编辑:闫绍鹏
