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Zhou, Bo

Time:2019-11-27Source: ClickTimes:

Name: Zhou, Bo

Degree: Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor

E-mail: zhoubo@nefu.edu.cn

Address: Northeast Forestry University, Shaw (Yifu) Teaching Building, Room 226

Education and Training:

1997 – 2001: Department of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University

Degree: Bachelor of Agriculture

2001 – 2004: College of Landscape, Northeast Forestry University

Degree: Master of Agriculture.

2004 – 2007: College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University

Degree: Doctor of Science

2009 – 2013: College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University

Research: Post-Doctor research in Forestry Science

2015 – 2016: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Nanocenter, University of South Carolina, Visiting Scholar Research


2005 – 2007: Teaching assistant. College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University

2007 – 2010: Lecturer. College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University

2010 – : Associate professor. College of Life Science, Northeast Forestry University.

Research Specialty:

Molecular Biology, Plant development biology, Cell Biology

Courses to Teach:

Molecular Biology, Experimental technology of Molecular biology, proteomics, basic analysis of calculate bioinformation

Editorial Boards:

Associate Editor of BMC Genomics

Reviewer of Gene

Reviewer of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Research Interest:

My research focus on the response of plants exposed to different light sources (UV-A, Blue light, Dark), such as the expression of regulatory genes (including regulators, microRNAs) involved in light induced anthocyanin biosynthesis.


 2012 — Present Principal Investigator, Molecular regulation and functional analysis of microRNAs in light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis of Brassica rapa turnip and AftTomato (LA1996)

 2010 — 2012 Principal Investigator, The interaction analysis of BrbZIP, BrbHLH, BrR2R3-MYB with regulatory region of key CHS (Grant No.20090460868, 201003409) sponsored by the National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of China.

 2009 — 2011 Principal Investigator, Function analysis of regulated region in promoter of light induced anthocyanin biosynthesis gene CHS (No.30800082) sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

 2009 — 2012 Main researcher, Signal transduction of UV-A specific induction of anthocyanin biosynthesis (No.30730078) sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

 2006 — 2008 Main researcher, Regulation of light signal transduction factor on light-dependent anthocyanin synthesis and the identification of key target genes (No.30571510) sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China.


Ÿ Bo Zhou*, Yutong Kang, Jingtong Leng and Qijiang Xu*. Genome-Wide Analysis of the miRNA–mRNAs Network Involved in Cold Tolerance in Populus simonii × P. nigra. Genes. 2019, 10(6), 430

Ÿ Zhou B*., Wang J., Lou H., Wang H. Z., Xu Q. J*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of dioecious, unisexual floral development in Ribes diacanthum pall. Gene. 2019. 699: 43-53.

Ÿ Zhou B., Zhang X., Wang G., Barbour K.W., Berger F.G., Wang Q*. Drug screening assay based on the interaction of intact Keap1 and Nrf2 proteins in cancer cells, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 27(1): 92-99. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2018.11.019

Ÿ Yan Haifang, Zhou Bo, He Wei, Nie Yuzhe, Li Yuhua. Expression characterisation of cyclophilin BrROC1 during light treatment and abiotic stresses response in Brassica rapa subsp. rapa ‘Tsuda’. Functional Plant Biology. 2018. 45, 1223-1232.( https://doi.org/10.1071/FP18029)

Ÿ Bo Zhou*, Pengzhen Fan, Yuhua Li, Haifang Yan, Qijiang Xu*. Exploring miRNAs involved in blue/UV-A light response in Brassica rapa reveals special regulatory mode during seedling development. BMC Plant Biology. 2016. 16:111.

Ÿ Haifang Yan, Yun Luo, Zhongrong Jiang, Fei Wang, Bo Zhou & Qijiang Xu. Cloning and Expression Characterization of Four Annexin Genes During Germination and Abiotic Stress in Brassica rapa subsp. rapa ‘Tsuda’. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 2016. 34:467–482

Ÿ Bo Zhou*; Pengzhen Fan; Yuhua Li. High-throughput sequence analysis of small RNAs in skotomorphogenic seedlings of Brassica rapa ssp. rapa. Gene. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2014.07.010

Ÿ Bo Zhou*, Yu Wang, Yaguang Zhan, Saneyuki Kawabata, Yuhua Li*. 2013. Chalcone synthase family genes have redundant roles in anthocyanin biosynthesis and in response to blue/UV-A light in Turnip (Brassica rapa; Brassicaceae). American journal of Botany. 100 (12): 2458-2467. 10.3732/ajb.1300305 (http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/doi/10.3732/ajb.1300305)

Ÿ Wang Y, Zhou B, Sun M, Li YH*, Kawabata S. 2012. UV-A Light Induces Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in a Manner Distinct from Synergistic Blue + UV-B Light and UV-A/Blue Light Responses in Different Parts of the Hypocotyls in Turnip Seedlings. Plant & Cell Physiology, 53(8):1470-1480

Ÿ Wu Weilin, Zhou Bo, Luo Dan, Yan Haifang, Li Yuhua*, Saneyuki Kawabata*. 2012. Development of SSR markers polymorphic between cultivars in Brassica rapa subsp rapa. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11(11) 2654-2660

Ÿ Bo Zhou, Shu-Hua Yan,Yu-Hua Li*. 2012. Expression of Anthocyanin Biosynthetic Genes During Fruit Development in ‘Fengxiang’Strawberry, Advanced Materials Research, 455-456: 443-448

Ÿ Zhou Bo, Zhao Xia, Saneyuki Kawabata, Liyuhua*. 2009. Transient expression of a foreign gene by direct incorporation of DNA into intact plant tissue through vacuum infiltration. Biotechnol Lett. 31:1811-1815. DOI 10.1007/s10529-009-0080-8

Ÿ Kawabata S*, Li Y, Saito T, Zhou B. 2009. Identification of differentially expressed genes during flower opening by suppression subtractive hybridization and cDNA microarray analysis in Eustoma grandiflorum. Scientia Horticulturae 122: 129-133

Ÿ Zhou, B., Lan, X.G., Xu, Z., Li, Y*. and Kawabata, S. 2008. UV-A specific regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in red turnip, brassica rapa l. subsp. rapa: uv-a mediated protein phosphorylation. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 774:229-236

Ÿ Zhou Bo, Li Yuhua*, Xu Zhiru, Yan Haifang, Homma Shinichiro and Kawabata Saneyuki. 2007. Ultraviolet A-specific induction of anthocyanin biosynthesis in the swollen hypocotyls of turnip (Brassica rapa). Journal of Experimental Botany, 58 (7) 1771-1781

Ÿ Zhou Bo, Li Yuhua*, Zhao Fei, Kawabata Saneyuki. 2007. Recent Progress in Cellular, Biochemical and Genetic Events of Brassica Species. International Journal of Plant Breeding, 1(2), 112-118

关闭 打印责任编辑:魏德强
