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Meng Fuanjuan

Time:2018-08-07Source: ClickTimes:

Name: Meng Fanjuan

Degree: Ph.D.

Title: Professor

Phone number: 86-451-8219-1755


Address: Northeast Forestry University, Shaw (Yifu) Teaching Building, Room 613


Education and Training:

1995 – 1999: Northeast Agriculture University, Bachelor of Horticulture

1999 – 2002: Northeast Agriculture University, Master of Plant Breeding

2002 – 2005: Northeast Agriculture University, Ph.D. in Plant Breeding

2006 – 2008: Northeast Forest University, Postdoctoral Training in Biological Science



2005 – 2008: Northeast Forest University, Lecturer

2008 – 2015: Northeast Forest University, Associate Professor

2016 – current: Northeast Forest University, Professor

Research Specialty:

Plant Physiology on environmental stresses and Molecular Biology


Courses to Teach:



Extramural Appointments and Service:

2010: Scientific Reviewer of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Research Interest:

My previous work is focusing on the main response mechanism ofRobinia pseudoacaciato salt stress. In previous work, the mechanism of mitochondrial electron transport and protein response are analyzed. The study of the mitochondrial excess electron production and control mechanism showed that there is close relationship on the leaf mitochondria excess electron defense and scavenging ability to salt tolerance of tetraploid black locust. Currently, my research team is also working on the mechanism of plants under environmental stresses. Another research topic is genetic relationship of plants based molecular marker technologies. These plant species areAmygdalus mira and Cupressus gigantean.



(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170568) (P.I.) 01/01/2012 – 12/31/2015,

Title: The mechanism of defense and remove excess electron ability of mitochondria of TetraploidRobinia pseudoacaciaunder under salt stress

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China (31901142) (P.I.) 01/01/2010 – 12/31/2012,

Title: The mechanism of gene expression and physiological response of TetraploidRobinia pseudoacaciaunder salt stress


1. Chun Xing, Yan Tian, Fachun Guan, Fanjuan Meng*. Evaluation of genetic diversity in Prunus mira Koehne by using SSR and ISSR markers. (2015) Plant Syst Evol, 301:1055-1064.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13102818.2015.1064780

2. Fanjuan Meng, Mu Peng, Hongying Pang, Fenglan Huang*. Comparison of photosynthesis and leaf ultrastructure on two black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). (2014) Biochem Syst Ecol, 55: 170-175.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bse.2014.03.025

3. Tengfeng Li, Jiaren Liu, Yanan Xie, Qiuyu Wang, Fanjuan Meng*. Analysis of genetic diversity in Prunus mira Koehne ex Sargent populations using AFLP markers. (2014) Plant Syst Evol, 300(3): 475-482.http://dxdoi:10.1007/s00606-013-0896-5

4. Zhiming Wang, Mingyue Wang, Lei Liu, Fanjuan Meng*. Physiological and proteomic responses of diploid and tetraploid black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) subjected to salt stress. (2013) Int J Mol Sc, 14(14): 20299-20325.http://doi:10.3390/ijms141020299

5. Jae-Seon Yi, Chul-Woo Kim, Ju-Kyong Lee, Fan-Juan Meng*. Identificaiton of populations of Korean mistletoe (viscum album L. Var. colorratum) from gangwon-do in Korea by AFLP. (2013) Biotechnol Biotec Eq, 27(5): 4091-4097. http://dx.doi.org/10.5504/BBEQ.2013.0035

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